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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
SanchezSchorrWarner_BeingChallengedInAnUrbanClassroom.pdf.jpg2013Being challenged in an urban classroom: A case study documenting the engagement of a young male who wanted to 'look smart'Sanchez Leal, Lina; Schorr, Roberta Y.; Warner, Lisa B.
Schorr Epstein Warner  Arias_2010b.pdf.jpg2010Mathematical truth and social consequences: The intersection of affect and cognition in a middle school classroomSchorr, Roberta Y.; Epstein, Yakov M.; Warner, Lisa B.; Arias, Cecilia C.
Warner_Schorr_Davis_ZDM_May_19_2009.pdf.jpg2009Flexible use of symbolic tools for problem solving, generalization, and explanationWarner, Lisa B.; Schorr, Roberta Y.; Davis, Gary E.
PMENA'04LWarner&RSchorr.pdf.jpg2004From primitive knowing to formalising: The role of student-to-student questioning in the development of mathematical understandingWarner, Lisa B.; Schorr, Roberta Y.
AERA 2010 Epstein Goldin Schorr, Capraro, et al Final.pdf.jpg2010-04Measuring engagement structures in middle-grades urban mathematics classroomsEpstein, Yakov M.; Goldin, Gerald A.; Schorr, Roberta Y.; Capraro, Robert; Capraro, Mary Margaret; Warner, Lisa B.
Attachment 5.H.Goldin_Epstein_Schorr_Warner_23Oct2010_revised-4.pdf.jpg2011Beliefs and engagement structures: Behind the affective dimension of mathematical learningGoldin, Gerald A.; Epstein, Yakov M.; Schorr, Roberta Y.; Warner, Lisa B.
AERA 2010 Rossman Schorr Warner_Working with a Partner.pdf.jpg2010-04Working with a partner: An investigation of student engagement in an middle school math classroomRossman, Cathleen F.; Schorr, Roberta Y.; Warner, Lisa B.
Sanchez_Leal et al, Schorr & Warner (2013) Turkey.pdf.jpg2013-02Characterizing a middle school student's engagement in a mathematics classSanchez Leal, Lina; Schorr, Roberta Y.; Warner, Lisa B.
Schorr Warner & Arias_PME08.pdf.jpg2008-07When students disagree: Engagement and understanding in an urban middle school math classSchorr, Roberta Y.; Warner, Lisa B.; Arias, Cecilia C.
Attachment R8.Y-eacher questions_Warner&Illaria.pdf.jpg2007Student behaviors and ways they are associated with the problem solving processWarner, Lisa B.; Schorr, Roberta Y.