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MASTER_32-00325-00-aaa.jpg.jpg2013-10-2810 b/w photographs of pre-renovation Hobart Manor-
Photo 020.jpg.jpg1935The 1934-1935 New Jersey State Normal School at Paterson basketball team-
Photo 027.jpg.jpg19391939 New Jersey State Teachers College at Paterson baseball team-
Photo 029.jpg.jpg1941The 1941 New Jersey State Teachers College at Paterson basketball team-
Photo 033.jpg.jpg1947-10-30The 1947 Freshman Frolic at New Jersey State Teachers College at Paterson-
Photo 057.jpg.jpg2014-10-201950s Christmas concert in Hunziker auditorium at New Jersey State Teachers College at Paterson-
wpuPhotos_box3_loosePhotos_0016.jpg.jpg2015-08-10A 1950s Paterson State College baseball team in action (1 of 2)-
wpuPhotos_box3_loosePhotos_0017.jpg.jpg2015-08-10A 1950s Paterson State College baseball team in action (2 of 2)-
Photo 067.jpg.jpg2014-10-201950s Senior Faculty Dinner at New Jersey State Teachers College at Paterson-
Photo 059.jpg.jpg19511951 aerial photograph of the New Jersey State Teachers College at Paterson campus-
wpuSlides_0156derived.jpg.jpg1963-04The 1963 Paterson State College baseball team in action (1 of 5)-
wpuSlides_0155derived.jpg.jpg1963-04The 1963 Paterson State College baseball team in action (2 of 5)-
wpuSlides_0150derived.jpg.jpg1963-04The 1963 Paterson State College baseball team in action (3 of 5)-
wpuSlides_0151derived.jpg.jpg1963-04The 1963 Paterson State College baseball team in action (4 of 5)-
wpuSlides_0149derived.jpg.jpg1963-04The 1963 Paterson State College baseball team in action (5 of 5)-
Photo 179.jpg.jpg1977The 1977 William Paterson College football team with coach Art Eason-
Photo 131.jpg.jpg1984The 1984 campus phonathon at William Paterson College-
31_00306-00a.pdf.jpg1988-01-211988 grant application for "The Hobarts of New Jersey: A collection"-
Photo 173.jpg.jpg1995The 1995 William Paterson College baseball team celebrates clinching the 1995 Mid-Atlantic Regional title-
Photo 146.jpg.jpg1999The 1999 William Paterson University Senior Dinner Dance aboard the yacht the "Princess" in New York City-