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Title: Exploring the Effects of Teacher Cultural Competence on Student Engagement in Diverse Educational Landscapes
Authors: Rood, Deirdre Marie
Keywords: Education;Cultural competency;Culturally responsive pedagogy;Student engagement;Teacher cultural competency;Culturally responsive leadership;English language learners;Socioeconomic status;Teacher experience
Issue Date: 13-May-2024
Publisher: William Paterson University
Abstract: Research suggests teacher cultural competency (TCC) is one of the keys to combating current systemic inequities in our educational landscape especially when considering the influences of teacher experience, socioeconomic factors (measured through the percentage of students receiving free lunch), and the composition of student demographics, particularly focusing on white students and English Language Learner (ELL) students. The purpose of this study was to examine teacher scores on the Culturally Responsive Teacher Preparedness Scale (CRTPS) (Hsaio, 2015) and Panorama Student Grit Survey (PSGS) (PanoramaEd, 2019) in the context of teacher experience and varied school demographics, including ethnicity (white and non-white schools), SES, and English-language learners (ELL). Nine research questions were developed for this quantitative study to investigate potential interactions between teacher cultural competency and student engagement, teacher experience, percentage of free lunch, white and ELL students. The study aimed to contribute to a deeper understanding of whether TCC manifests within diverse classroom settings, its potential relevance to student outcomes such as engagement, and provide insights to inform pedagogical practices, curriculum development, and teacher professional development. The findings contributed valuable knowledge to the fields of education and cultural competency, offering practical implications for educators and school administrators striving to create inclusive and effective learning environments in culturally diverse schools.
Appears in Collections:Theses & Dissertations

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