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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 52
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Juncosa_ExecutiveFunctioningChildhoodTrauma.pdf.jpg2025-02-25Exploring Executive Functioning Processes as Potential Mediating Factors Between Childhood Trauma & ViolenceJuncosa, Brittany C.
Paz_NJNursesWorkplaceAbuse.pdf.jpg2025-02-07Verbal Abuse and the Workplace Environment among New Jersey NursesPaz, Allan A.
Santiago_WritingRevisionFeedback.pdf.jpg2025-01-28Examining the Effectiveness of Written vs. Verbal Feedback on Students’ Writing RevisionSantiago, Heather
McGovern_DigitalToolsThirdGradeWriting.pdf.jpg2025-01-23The Impact of Digital Tools on Third Grade Students’ Writing Motivation and Revision SkillsMcGovern, Brooke
Tierney_PCST.pdf.jpg2024-12-05Evaluation of a Palliative Care Screening Tool (PCST) to Identify and Increase Palliative Care Consults in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)Tierney, Jacqueline Anne
Garrido_RCCOS.pdf.jpg2023-09-01A Revised Comfort Care Order Set Incorporating Symptom Assessment Tools: A Quality Improvement ProjectGarrido, Meliza
Azores_BreastfeedingEducation.pdf.jpg2024-12-05The Impact of the Breastfeeding Education and Training Program on Perinatal Nurses' Knowledge and Practices and the Hospital's Exclusive Breastfeeding RateAzores, Arlene Escanilla
Moura_LivedExperiences.pdf.jpg2024-12-01Lived Experiences: Immigration, Family Separation, and ResilienceMoura, Fernanda
Song_PrerecordedMammogramVideoMessages.pdf.jpg2024-11-14Initiating Prerecorded Video Messages for Bi-Rads 0 Screening Mammogram Results in the Digital Age: A Pilot StudySong, Susan Mingi
Giles_BennyGolsonAnalysis.pdf.jpg2024-09-24Along Came Benny: A Qualitative Musical Analysis of Select Benny Golson CompositionsGiles, Bailey
Brownlow_MelbaListonLifeWork.pdf.jpg2024-08-23“Melba’s Tune”: An Examination of the Life and Work of Trombonist-Arranger Melba ListonBrownlow, Isla R.
Thompson_MiddleSchoolJazzCurriculum.pdf.jpg2024-08-15From Swingin’ on the Swingset to Swingin’ on the Bandstand: A Curriculum for Middle School Jazz Rhythm SectionThompson, Clayton James
Skerritt_ClassroomPeerFeedback.pdf.jpg2024-08-13The Effects of Revision and Peer Feedback in the Secondary ClassroomSkerritt, Kiera Leigh
Braun_HomeSchoolActivities.pdf.jpg2024-07-23The Impact of Home-School Connection Activities on a Preschooler's Pre-literacy DevelopmentBraun, Elizabeth
Anas_EDPathologyEthnicDifferences.pdf.jpg2024-07-08Ethnic Differences in the Maintenance and Pathology of Disordered Eating in a College PopulationAnas, Sarah
Magee_SpanishSpeakingMemoryLateralization.pdf.jpg2024-07-17Memory Lateralization in Spanish-Speaking Adults with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Pilot StudyMagee, Sofia Alba
Garrido_RubricBasedInstruction.pdf.jpg2024-06-18Impacts of Rubric-Based Instruction to Student Writing Development in a Social Studies ClassroomGarrido, Mikee
Lengner_TeachersImpact.pdf.jpg2024-06-18The Impact of a Teacher’s Implementation of the Writing Process on Student PerformanceLengner, Angela
Thurston_EndangeredWildlife.pdf.jpg2024-05Echoes of Extinction: Portraits of Endangered WildlifeThurston, Catherine Trinidad
Fortunato_CulturallyResponsiveEducators.pdf.jpg2024-05The Lived Experiences of Culturally Responsive EducatorsFortunato, Marta J.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 52