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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 42
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Brownlow_MelbaListonLifeWork.pdf.jpg2024-08-23“Melba’s Tune”: An Examination of the Life and Work of Trombonist-Arranger Melba ListonBrownlow, Isla R.
Thompson_MiddleSchoolJazzCurriculum.pdf.jpg2024-08-15From Swingin’ on the Swingset to Swingin’ on the Bandstand: A Curriculum for Middle School Jazz Rhythm SectionThompson, Clayton James
Skerritt_ClassroomPeerFeedback.pdf.jpg2024-08-13The Effects of Revision and Peer Feedback in the Secondary ClassroomSkerritt, Kiera Leigh
Braun_HomeSchoolActivities.pdf.jpg2024-07-23The Impact of Home-School Connection Activities on a Preschooler's Pre-literacy DevelopmentBraun, Elizabeth
Anas_EDPathologyEthnicDifferences.pdf.jpg2024-07-08Ethnic Differences in the Maintenance and Pathology of Disordered Eating in a College PopulationAnas, Sarah
Magee_SpanishSpeakingMemoryLateralization.pdf.jpg2024-07-17Memory Lateralization in Spanish-Speaking Adults with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Pilot StudyMagee, Sofia Alba
Garrido_RubricBasedInstruction.pdf.jpg2024-06-18Impacts of Rubric-Based Instruction to Student Writing Development in a Social Studies ClassroomGarrido, Mikee
Lengner_TeachersImpact.pdf.jpg2024-06-18The Impact of a Teacher’s Implementation of the Writing Process on Student PerformanceLengner, Angela
Thurston_EndangeredWildlife.pdf.jpg2024-05Echoes of Extinction: Portraits of Endangered WildlifeThurston, Catherine Trinidad
Fortunato_CulturallyResponsiveEducators.pdf.jpg2024-05The Lived Experiences of Culturally Responsive EducatorsFortunato, Marta J.
LiautaudWatkins_FacilitatingEducationPathways.pdf.jpg2024-04Facilitating Pathways to Postsecondary Education for Justice Involved IndividualsLiautaud-Watkins, Danielle
Veshtaj_DissociationEffects.pdf.jpg2024-05The Effects of Acute Dissociation on Implicit and Explicit Measures of Emotional ResponsivityVeshtaj, Irena Curanovic
Wise_MusicPedagogyPodcast.pdf.jpg2024-05Enhancing Professional Development for Music Educators Through Podcasting: Exploring the production of a podcast about instrumental music pedagogyWise, Jennifer
Becher_MentalIllnessViews.pdf.jpg2024Views of Mental Illness, Treatment, and Stigma in the Orthodox Jewish CommunityBecher, Chana
Sedita_MBCT-SProgramBarriers.pdf.jpg2024-05MBCT-S Program Completion: What Barriers Stand in the Way for High-Risk Suicidal Veterans?Sedita, Megan
Webb_MusicClassroomDEIB.pdf.jpg2024-05Implementing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Music Classroom Without a District-Level Music Administrator: A Self-StudyWebb, Nathan Alan
Felegi_CommunityMentoringSocialCompetence.pdf.jpg2024-05-14Community-Based Mentoring Programs: Influence on Adolescents’ Social Capital and Social CompetenceFelegi, William John
Rood_TeacherCulturalCompetence.pdf.jpg2024-05-13Exploring the Effects of Teacher Cultural Competence on Student Engagement in Diverse Educational LandscapesRood, Deirdre Marie
Hresko_IdentityMajorSelection.pdf.jpg2024-05-13Identity as an Influence on Major Selection for Undeclared StudentsHresko, Lindsey
Schneider_HigherEdStrategicPlanning.pdf.jpg2024-05-13Executive Leadership Consideration of Market Forces: A Case Study of Strategic Planning Development in Higher EducationSchneider, Kenneth M. Jr.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 42