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Showing results 2479 to 2498 of 2640 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
WPC_UG_Catalog_1986-1987_small.pdf.jpg1986; 1987Undergraduate catalog, 1986-87William Paterson College of New Jersey
WPC_UG_Catalog_1988-1990_small.pdf.jpg1988; 1989; 1990Undergraduate catalog, 1988-90William Paterson College of New Jersey
WPC_UG_Catalog_1992-1994_small.pdf.jpg1992; 1993; 1994Undergraduate catalog, 1992-94William Paterson College of New Jersey
WPC_UG_Catalog_1994-1996_small.pdf.jpg1994; 1995; 1996Undergraduate catalog, 1994-96William Paterson College of New Jersey
WPC_UG_Catalog_1996-1998_small.pdf.jpg1996; 1997; 1998Undergraduate catalog, 1996-98William Paterson College of New Jersey
WPU_UG_Catalog_1999-2001_small.pdf.jpg1999; 2000; 2001Undergraduate catalog, 1999-2001William Paterson University of New Jersey
WPU_UG_Catalog_2001-2003_small.pdf.jpg2001; 2002; 2003Undergraduate catalog, 2001-2003William Paterson University of New Jersey
WPU_UG_Catalog_2003-2005_small.pdf.jpg2003; 2004; 2005Undergraduate catalog, 2003-2005William Paterson University of New Jersey
WPU_UG_Catalog_2008-2010_small.pdf.jpg2008; 2009; 2010Undergraduate catalog, 2008-2010William Paterson University of New Jersey
acsphotonics.6b00773.pdf.jpg2017-01-24Unique Hot Carrier Distributions from Scattering-Mediated AbsorptionFoley, Jonathan J., IV; Codrington, Jason; Eldabagh, Noor; Fernando, Kimberly
AuthorsReception_Booklet_2016.pdf.jpg2016University AuthorsDavid and Lorraine Cheng Library
AuthorsReception_Booklet_2012.pdf.jpg2012University AuthorsDavid and Lorraine Cheng Library
AuthorsReception_Booklet_2015.pdf.jpg2015University AuthorsDavid and Lorraine Cheng Library
AuthorsReception_Booklet_2011.pdf.jpg2011University AuthorsDavid and Lorraine Cheng Library
AuthorsReception_Booklet_2014.pdf.jpg2014University AuthorsDavid and Lorraine Cheng Library
AuthorsReception_Booklet_2013.pdf.jpg2013University AuthorsDavid and Lorraine Cheng Library
Barclay_UrbanModulation.pdf.jpg2023-05Urban Modulation: An Investigation into the Effects of Urban Renewal on Chicago’s South Side Jazz CommunityBarclay, Dakarai Antoine
Kenny_MathJournalsMiddleSchoolSpecialEducation.pdf.jpg2023-12The Use of Math Journals to Impact the Mathematical Word Problem Solving Skills of Self-Contained Middle School Special Education StudentsKenny, Nancy Kate
Merritt_InteractiveNotebookWriting.pdf.jpg2023-12Using an Interactive Notebook to Support Sixth-Grade WritingMerritt, Samantha Beverly
Using Excel and VBA with APIs to Wow Your Colleagues and Patrons.pdf.jpg2017-10-18Using Excel and VBA with APIs to wow your colleagues and patronsZeng, Hao; Klose Hrubes, Annamarie